Saturday 2 April 2016

Judgy McJudgerson and Judginess of the Judgers

This literally just happened. I am writing it down now so the scar isn't burned to deeply into my psych.

So, this weekend is turning out to be a bit of a pisser. I am working a lot of it and today is the school fete. Which involves volunteering and baking and a DUNK TANK etc etc Ugh. Don't think badly of me. Its just not something I do well, but the things we do for our kids, hey?

So this morning, I have been icing, cleaning the kitchen putting on some washing and getting whined at for breakfast by my youngest daughter. The straw that broke this mummy camel's spine came in the form of one last whiney shout across the house "I'MMMMM HUUUUUNNNNGGGGRRRYYYYYY, wheres breakfast?????????".

It didn't go down to well. "Get your BUTT into the kitchen RIGHT NOW!". I won't bore you with the details but it involved the sayings "I am not your slave", "Things are going to change around here" and the classic "Are you arms painted on?".

After all the shoutiness, I hear a little wrap at the front door. Leah tells me "Its the lady who gives you those magazines".

AWWWW crap, the Jehovah Witness lady (from my earlier blog) and her two young daughters had just been witness to my Mummy tantrum in full volume and all its glory.

I could feel the "Parenting Judginess" through the brick walls and I know they heard the whole thing because from the looks on their faces when I came to the door, I am pretty sure they think I am possessed.

Its ok though, I am guessing this is karma for my "slightly" judgy earlier post. At least the Jehovahs
don't believe in Karma :P

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