I am not saying this because I want to know your secrets. I say this because each time you share, really share,
some one else is thinking "Thank fuck for you, I am not the only one!".
Every time I write a personal story or crap fest on my blog, I cringe and then I think "good, if i am embarrassed or worried, It means it is real, I am not pretending."
Take it a step further, be real on social media. I don't care what filter, what brand, or what colour code the horse shit is... its still horse shit.
I dont give a shit about the latest meme, I care that you are ok. I care that I am not so ok and maybe one of you is the same and we can talk and laugh and be a bit better. I care that I feel like since I have shared more of myself, more people have my back.
Thank you.
Here is a list of things I am happy/proud about.
Please share things you are happy/proud about too. One day I will get the balls to share things I am not proud of, but today is not that day.
1. My kids, They aren't perfect, but they are pretty cool and a lot weird which make me happy.
2. This blog. I can write, never realised I wanted too until recently
3. I am a pretty good problem solver. Not the paper quiz type but the "how do we pay our mortgage this month", "we only have $20 bucks till payday" kind of problem solver.
4. I am easy going. If Dave wants to play golf every weekend, if the kids want to stay in their pyjamas all day doing interpretive dance, I'm ok with it. I do go pyscho and think "what the F**" but not all the time, maybe not even some of the time.
5. I am strong. Stronger than I seem, stronger than I can show. This last couple of months has proven that to me. I may one day still face a tougher time than I have recently, but I have gotten through this, I can get through that. It will all be ok. I really believe that now.
6, I am middle of the road. Being the "Jack of all trades" and the master of none is something I wear with pride. Bring on the next chapter, the next adventure, the next choice. I am free to choose randomly. The better and more extreme you are about something, the smaller your choices.
7. I have good boobs ... :-)
Share and Over share alike people.
You are authentic and bloody brilliant.