I am a tall, fairly low maintenance, average looking, over weight, funny, smart, empathetic, worried, happy, loving woman.
The fact that I sometimes love to dress up and look elegant but also love to not get out of PJ's.
The fact that sometimes I wear make up but mostly don't.
The fact I miss my Mum
The fact I pass by windows and see my reflection and audibly sigh
The fact that sometimes I want to cook, but mostly I find it a chore.
The fact that I do alot of the cleaning up in my house.
The fact that I like to write personal things, in a public space.
The fact that I use this blog to feel better about myself.
The fact that I feel I am smart but can be really dumb on occasion
The fact that the first word my kids use to describe me is "Weird...really weird"
The fact I like to eat good food and I don't really like to exercise.
The fact I love my children, but also love to have my own time.
The fact I like to shop, but only own one designer anything
The fact that I rely on my husband for a lot of things and miss him when he is not around.
The fact that we aren't married and probably never will
The fact that I am talented in drawing and painting and actually do those things about twice a year.
The fact I like to keep a lot of things to myself, but feel better when I don't.
The fact that one of my daughters is unapologetically loud and proud and the other worries she is getting fat at age 7.
The fact that sometimes I get really frustrated over nothing
The fact that I forget to shave my legs sometimes, and the other fact that most of the time I couldn't care less.
The fact that I don't care as much if people know the "real" me
The fact that I have never found a cause or know what I want to be when I grow up
The fact, that while I believe in equal opportunity and woman's rights, It's not my cause. I need men and I believe men need woman.
The fact that tomorrow I'll read this and have changed my mind on about 60% of it

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