After a fair amount of coaxing, the story came out. A little friend of hers had pinched her waist and exclaimed "You're already fat!". To make matters worse, today was a "dress up" day. My daughter wore her most favourite and pretty dress, the one that gave her a little confidence in herself.
This blog is not to question wether or not she is fat and its also not to defend her or myself. IT DOESN"T MATTER.
I am hugging my daughter, equal parts crying for her and fighting the urge to pin a certain little girl up by her big toes next time I see her.
I am facing an annoying and unwanted choice.
Do I reassure her and say "No darling you're not fat, you're a growing girl who is gorgeous"?
Do I say "It doesn't matter. big, small or tall you are a good person with a loving and kind heart"?
This won't be the last time. I know that. I want her to be strong enough to say "Screw you and your shallow opinion", but I know she's not. She will take that hurt and little bleeding heart and tuck it away, from now on always doubting a little if she really does look pretty.
How dare they?
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