Someone turned the volume up in the universe and it has been cranked up ever since.
We are pushing ourselves into extremes. Little extremes and big extremes.
Not "going to the gym" anymore. Not pregnancy anymore but fit mums and mums to be cross fitting with a six pack and a baby bump and running a marathon as soon as the stroller is delivered.
Not a lunch box for kids anymore but an extravaganza of Mummy creativeness complete with $6 worth of blueberries and a tofu sculpture.
Not food anymore or "on a diet". Now its a Paleo, clean eating or vegan, organic lifestyle changes. Super foods.
Not parenting anymore, but mindfulness, non gender stereo typing, free range, helicopter, unplugged parenting. With 1000 blogs for and against each one.
Not opinions and conversations but documented social media debates with selfie back up proof included.
Not beauty anymore, but sculpted, contoured, scraped and injected perfection.
Not famous anymore but super human, infallible, mythological creatures of dynastic proportions.
Not having a dream, but attending the next seminar while mindfully requesting the universe to fulfil your order of a Maserati.
Its not a house anymore. Its the tiny house, tree house, teepee, tent, camper trailer, off grid, no foot print home movement.
It seems to me sometimes, that the scale of normal has been stretched and snapped,
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